Monday, 12 January 2015

Funny Monday

It feels absolutely bloody marvellous to sit at home sipping mineral water and mint tea whilst typing away quietly for a few minutes. What a day it's been!

To begin with, I have my period. This is not an earth-shattering event, I realize, but since it's an annual occurrence at most (the last time I had my P, it started on Christmas Day 2013, and before that, it had been years), I'm not as good at managing it as I might be. It also explains why, on Saturday, my body felt as bruised as if I'd had a CrossFit workout the day before. So I'm annuating. Besides that, my scalp is at its driest and flakiest. This is not a beauty week.

On a positive note, work went well today. I had gotten myself into a knot about returning to my post after Christmas; when on holidays, I tend to romanticize laze time and make up reasons why I don't enjoy my job. But now that I'm back in the groove, I can see how lucky I am to be surrounded by a team of honest, hard-working people.

My immediate supervisor is kind and hasn't the slightest tendency to micromanage. She encourages me in anything that will help me to learn or grow. Our assistant, who was a little crusty when I first joined the team in September, volunteered to help me send out a mailing this morning, and in a friendly way alerted me to the fact that bits of my scalp were coming adrift on my shoulders so I could take care of the cosmetic emergency.

Some ad copy I had come up with didn't sit well with my Ueberboss, but she pointed out its weaknesses calmly and constructively, and I was able to make the changes she asked for quickly. She is a damn good manager.

So, a funny day, a bit. I'm just glad for the cosy silence in my apartment, and for the time to put a few things to rights at home. (There was no yoga for me tonight, period oblige.)

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