Here are some of the random events that led up to my grumpy cross-legged chomp-down:
- my parents' car was broken into while they were away on holidays, in part because I didn't put on their Club lock;
- for good measure, I then added a light scratch to the bumper of my dad's second car, his beloved red Honda;
- at work, I've been expending a lot of energy monitoring how I communicate with my immediate manager, who's easily irritated by the straight talk that comes naturally to me;
- my wardrobe and I do not appreciate one another, and I refuse to buy new clothes until I reach my target size and shape;
- I need to screw up the courage to tell an acquaintance how her inconsiderate behaviour is affecting me rather than quietly avoiding her, but keep putting off the moment of truth;
- when my parents invited me over for dinner -- after I'd told them about the fates of their cars, to which they'd responded in the nicest possible way -- I lit into my jetlagged mom on a topic I can't even remember.
Looked at like that, I haven't had as tough a time as I've been making out. In fact, I've been making other people's lives tough. I've got some growing up to do, including saving enough to buy a car of my own.
Fortunately, this is a good time to start. I have five days of holidays, beginning this morning. And Easter weekend is going to be a time of rest, relaxation, and connection with near ones and dear ones.
I wish the same for you.
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