2014 is only 10 days old, and already, I've been for quite the ride. My mood has soared and plummeted with the temperature, itself unusually variable by Vancouver standards. This is partly because I've developed a few bright-red patches of irritated skin, a.k.a. eczema, on my face. My best guess is that worry and the weather are tag-teaming to bring this about. In the great scheme of things, it's a minor irritant (pun intended), but somehow, it's got my attention more than it otherwise might. Perhaps it's because it's not all that pretty or because I can't figure out the underlying cause or, more likely, because it's a sign there's something awry in the body of one Ms. Slim.
Unsexy as it is, I've been applying Vaseline to the affected areas and hoping against hope they'll clear up. In the meantime, I've cut down as much as I can on my beloved no-sugar-added chocolate. This week, I'll see whether I can live without dairy products (not easy for a woman who has three favourite varieties of plain yogourt:P). Attention to diet seems to be working, though the most helpful thing, judging by how much better my face looks on Monday mornings, is a break from work and as many good sleeps as possible.
Why am I telling you this? I thought you might appreciate it if you're prone to eczema or strange rashes. Clearly, I haven't yet solved the problem; still, sometimes it helps to know that you're not the only one with uncannily sensitive skin.
On the bright side, the rash has made it easy to focus on my number one New Year's resolution, to wit:

With resolution #1 in mind, I decided to give Dr. Andrew Weil's 8 Weeks to Optimum Health a read. He dispenses lots of useful advice. Week one involves five minutes of daily meditation. Before I hop into bed, I'm going to give this tactic a try.
Meanwhile, I've taken a leaf out of a friend's book and am drinking a glass of water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice each morning before I head out. And no more coffee till this rash clears up!
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